High-Speed Design has the business acumen of providing all our customers with exceptional on time services while achieving the financial return according to the IPC quality standards. We offer reliable efficient electronic solutions which are at the cutting edge of technology and realized at competitive prices for your Engineering domain, be it RF communications, video, graphic, avionics, transportation, power supply, military, etc…

You can count on our team of experts to meet your various specific needs, because it is they who have developed our sustainable and strong customer relationships. In this manner, our many years of services in creating multiple circuits has attracted many renowned companies and suppliers.

Our services are offered in two forms:

1) Business service, our designer in your workplace.

2) External service, communication is done with email, Skype, TeamViewer and transfer by Cloud.

We can easily switch from one service to another, depending on the stages of design and project needs.

Our services are offered according to our four main areas of expertise:

  1. Library, Electronic Schematic.
  2. Layout PCB/Electronic design.
  3. Circuit simulation.
  4. Programming.

See also our tools and how we deliver our personalized services by going to the bottom of this page. See our achievement to better understand what we do! Thank you and hope to contribute to the realization of your projects.

Contact us now !

Here are the circuit technologies we can do:

  • FR4/High-speed, CPU, DDR4, differential bus, etc.
  • RF/Microwave up to 10 GHz
  • High voltage/current to UL and CE
  • Rigid-Flex
  • Flex Circuits
  • Polyimide
  • Blind/buried Vias
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1. Library, Electronic Schematic

  • Create and maintain a library of components

– According to customer standards


  • Creating symbols and component footprints

– According to the IPC and the customer standard

symbol footprint

  • Schematics design

– PADS Logic

– DX Designer

– Altium Designer

– ORCAD with conversion

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2. Layout of Printed Circuit Board/Electronic Design

  • Components placement

– According to the block diagram of the mechanical design and DXF

– According to the manufacturers

– According to the IC design guidelines

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  • Uncross FPGA signals

– IO Designer

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  • Interactive routing / Auto Routing

– Entered electrical rules with CES

– Matched bus length and differential pairs +/-

– Current analysis of Splits Power Planes

– Calculating required impedance with POLAR

– DRC and DFM check


  • Using Team Design to accelerate the project realization


  • Using a Gerber viewer to detect anomalies

– Gerbers inspection

  • Files generation for manufacturing

– Gerbers 274X format

– NCDrill Excellon format

– Assembly, Silkscreen, Soldermask, Pastemask

– ODB++, P&P, IPC-D-356, PDF, DXF, STEP, IDF


3. Circuit simulation

  • Signal integrity simulation

– Hyperlynx Linesim/Boardsim

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4. Programming

  • VB Script programming menus to optimize and accelerate the design

– Using the GUI software for creating menu and macro command


We use the following tools:
